New Markets: an exploration into the changing nature of business environments, informal barriers and emerging markets in the post-Soviet region
Dr Sophie Hohmann
Dr. Sophie Hohmann is lecturer at the French Institute for Oriental Studies (INALCO), at the Department of Eurasian Studies. She is also Associate Researcher at the Centre for Russian, Caucasian and East-European Studies (CERCEC, EHESS/CNRS). She holds a PhD in social sciences from the EHESS (School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences) in Paris. Her research focuses on social history, demography, and sociology of migrations in and from South Caucasus and Central Asia to Russia’s arctic cities. She published a book « Pouvoir et santé en Ouzbékistan », Paris, Petra Editions, in 2014 and many papers on healthcare issues and HIV/AIDS and drug addiction in Central Asia. Since 2007, her work is almost based on migrant’s life history helping for questionning migrants trajectories and strategies in Russian Federation. Her latest publications include « Development in Central Asia and the Caucasus, Migration, Democratisation and Inequality in the Post-Soviet Era, 2014, I. B. Tauris, London and papers dealing with labour migration and migrants identities from Central Asia and South Caucasus in Russian Arctic cities.