New Markets: an exploration into the changing nature of business environments, informal barriers and emerging markets in the post-Soviet region
Dr Catherine Poujol
Professor of History and Civilization of Central Asia at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations INALCO, Member of the Board of Directors of INALCO, Chairwoman of the Student Life Commission, Director of the Observatory of Post-Soviet States since 2010, Head of the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute Project from 2013. She has published more than a hundred articles and book chapters on the history of Central Asia from the colonial period to the Independent States, the policy of evolution and strategy since independence, sociology and transition history, comparing colonial, Soviet and post-Soviet periods, health, social issues, Bukharian Jews and other diasporas. More than 30 years of experience in the field of education allowed her to publish the "Dictionary of Central Asia" (Paris, Ellipses, 2001), “Islam in Central Asia: a new course”, (Paris, Ellipses, 2001), “Uzbekistan: Crossroads” (Paris, Belin, 2005), “Central Asia at the crossroads of the worlds”, (Paris, Ellipses, 2013). She is also interested in the history of mentality, applied social psychology in Central Asia and the prevention and management of numerous.